Review of Florence Nightingale Service
The Florence Nightingale memorial service was my first formal engagement as Musical Director with the Derby Hospitals Choir – and what a splendid introduction.
We sang Mozart’s ”Ave Verum” (in English), Rutter’s setting of “All things Bright & Beautiful” and an unaccompanied arrangement of “Non Nobis Domine” (attributed to Byrd). I was delighted with how well the choir sang all three pieces, with good phrasing, light and shade in the dynamics and attention to detail – supported of course by the wonderful acoustics of the building and Peter Gould’s effortless accompaniment. Two of the three hymns had descants written specially for the occasion and these soared beautifully over the congregation, particularly when coupled with the ending choral harmonies in “Thy Hand O God has Guided”. Approximately 50 members of the choir were able to sing on the day, and all seemed to have their eyes glued on me throughout. Well done – you have set a high standard for the full choir to follow this Autumn!
Rehearsals for the Florence Nightingale Service:

Wednesday 1st May at Broadway Baptist’s Church 7 30pm
Wednesday 8th May at Broadway Baptist’s Church 7 30pm
Wednesday 15th May at Broadway Baptist’s Church 7 30pm
18th MAY 2013 11.00am
Florence Nightingale’s birthday occurs on 12th May which is also the start of International Nursing Week and the service incorporates both events. The service will be preceded by a procession starting from St. Peter’s Church, passing through the City centre and then on to the Cathedral. Nurses and health care practitioners from both the Derby Hospitals Trust and the community at large will be led by a marching band, and members of the choir will join the procession at the Cathedral entrance.
The service will be attended by Derbyshire’s dignitaries, Lord Lieutenant, High Sheriff, Mayor etc., and there will be high profile speakers from within the caring profession.
The choir will be singing three pieces and there will be three congregational hymns. The choir’s pieces are
1 Anthem – Ave Verum (Mozart) Jesu Word of God
2 Anthem – All things Bright & Beautiful (John Rutter)
3 Introit – Non Nobis Domine (Anon./Byrd)
The Service starts at 11.00 am. The Choir will wear usual attire:
9.15 Arrive at Cathedral and deposit coats, bags etc in Beddows Room
9.30 Go upstairs to the Retro Choir stalls to be allocated your seat
9.40 Practicing processing out and in to the Cathedral to ensure we are foot perfect.
10.00 Rehearsal of our three pieces with accompaniment from Peter Gould, Master of Music at the Cathedral.
10.30 Return to the Beddows Room for a comfort break
10.50 Congregate at the East door of the Cathedral. We shall not be processing through the town and will meet the procession as they arrive at the Cathedral. The choir will “fall in” behind the cross and lights and in front of the band to lead the procession into the cathedral.
The service begins at 11.00 am sharp and will last for one hour. When the service has finished, the Choir will lead out of the Cathedral and walk around back to the East Door thereby avoiding blocking the main entrance.