Click on items below to listen to the Choir singing in the Cathedral:-
For the Beauty of the Earth
God be in my head
How can I keep from singing
Now thank we all our God
There will be three rehearsals prior to the Service as follows:-
– Wednesday 30th April 2014
– Wednesday 7th May 2014
– Wednesday 14th May 2014
All rehearsals will be held in the Broadway Baptist Church and will commence at 7.30pm
Please try to arrive at 7pm on 30th April in order to give time for signing in and collecting music folders.
We shall be singing the following pieces:-
– For the Beauty of the Earth – Rutter
– How can I keep from singing – Lowry
– God be in my head – Walford Davies
David H will be producing a couple of descants for the congregational hymns which we shall also perform.
9.00 Arrive at Cathedral and deposit coats, bags etc in Beddoes Room
9.25 Proceed upstairs to the Retro Choir stalls for seating allocation and to receive an Order of Service
9.40 Procession Practice for the Choir
10.15 Rehearsal of our three pieces with accompaniment from Peter Gould, Master of Music at the Cathedral.
10.35 Return to the Beddoes Room for a comfort break
10.50 Gather in Beddoes Room in preparation for processing into the Cathedral
11.00 Process into the Cathedral singing the first congregational hymn, Praise My Soul the King of Heaven
The service begins at 11.00 am sharp and will last for one hour.